汉学地图_国际汉学研究——汉学,汉学家,汉学研究,sinology,china studies



Full-text Databases

One of the major fulltext database projects currently under way. The texts are carefully proofread and relatively reliable. Currently (Oct 1999) the database contains some 140 mio characters, growth rate is 10 mio characters per annum. Although the search program is extremely mighty, most of its capabilities remain unexploited in the WWW version (see note below).



中 國 經 典 文 獻 工 具 書 錄(美)

With the help of Ping-yi Chu (Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology), Xiaoping Cong (University of Houston), Miaw-fen Lu (Academia Sinica, Institute of Modern History), Sam Gilbert (UCLA, ABD), Adam Schorr (Ph.D., UCLA East Asian Languages and Cultures Department), Susan Schneller, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., and William Wooldridge (Bryn Mawr College). The search engine and frames were developed by Qiaoxiao Shao.

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  • 【世界汉学讲坛】《关雎》英译探微:

    3月11日下午,著名美国汉学家、芝加哥大学教授夏含夷( Edward L. Shaughnessy )主讲2024年